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[ Previous entry: "Punkie's Earlier Years: "WJOK Junk: Side 2" - Tara Lily: 1969-1984" ] [Main Index] [ Next entry: "Punkie's Earlier Years: "WJOK Junk: Side 2" - The Confession: "I'm a ghoulish freak, Neal"" ]

10/06/2004 Entry: "Punkie's Earlier Years: "WJOK Junk: Side 2" - On bad skits"

[ where Grig relives his youth via cassette tapes his best friend Neal saved from over 6 years of letters ]

Man. Rudolph Fritterman sings? What was I *on*? Things like these are why I forgive Saturday Night Live for having bad sketches sometimes. Okay, it's bad enough he sings like Kermit the Frog, but he's singing Bach's "Tocatta and Fugue In D Minor," which doesn't even HAVE lyrics. I guess that was the point, but I think just a few bars would have been enough. No, I sing about 2 minutes of it. Then I do an encore with another part of the song, gargling. I'd fast forward through this, but that's what snapped the tape the last time. How embarrassing. I thought I ended the senseless skit with Rudolph drowning, but he survived, and then there was this interview with him, which was concluded with him squealing in high-pitched foreign language. Okay, I have to admit, that made me smirk, because I made my voice go from Kermit to Elmo, and it sounded like "Elmo now gonna speak in TONGUES!!! ABABABLAH GOO EEEWAAAH..."

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