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09/27/2004 Entry: "But onto other things... Happy Birthday, Chickin, and Samhain at our house?"

As for some other events that happened this weekend...

Work has been busy. Learning and such. Already, I am seeing the same "black hole" problems I used to see when I worked the NOC. "I need documentation on such-and-such," I say for one of my first projects. No response. Well, time to be an asshole again. Now where did I put that, "I need to speak to your supervisor now!" stamp? The sick thing is, I started to enjoy that kind of power in the NOC. My boss encourages it. Heh heh heh...

Anyway, this Saturday, we went to Travis' Birthday party. I will again repeat that Travis's dad and stepmother are cool people. Travis didn't ask for presents, but I got him a gift card for Best Buy anyway, because he deserves good things. We arrived late because Christine has been having some serious Autumn-related allergies, and has been having massive sinus headaches and trouble breathing. CR got to drive a tractor, I got to talk with April about TWOP (it's weird, knowing someone else in person who knows Glark and Wing), and got to see Dave.

Christine cleaned out part of her den, replaced the CD-ROM drive in her computer, and I swapped her flaky monitor with my older, but better-working one. I figured I'll use her monitor until it dies, and then I'll get a newer, bigger one! Ha ha ha! Yeah, right. Actually, I am praying it lasts another year, but I have some smaller (15") spares if I need them.

Late Sunday night, we got a call from our old friend Elspeth. After Bobbie had passed away, Christine and I figured they'd (Elspeth and Nybor) lose the house (they did), so we offered ours for Haven because it has a lot of room and spare emendates. Well, we didn't hear back from them right away, then we spent months doing the "phone tag" thing. We finally met up via phone Sunday night, and I listened to her tired voice. I know Bobbie's death took a lot out of her and Nybor. Elspeth said she'd been traveling a lot, and apologized for not getting in touch with us sooner. She hadn't allowed herself any time to plan anything, and was just now getting around to planning Samhain, and wondered, should she need it, if our house was still up for an offer. We said, "Of course," so if Elspeth decides on our house, we might have Haven Samhain ritual here. Pretty cool. She's still planning Yule on the property in Winchester, but she's going to have to confirm that. Elspeth sounded so worn. I hadn't spoken with her since Bobbie had passed away, and I just wanted to reach through the phone and give her a hug.

I did a lot of nothing. I should have done more work on the bathroom, but my arthritis has been hurting with all the weather patterns. Oy, gevalt.

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