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09/09/2004 Entry: "Ooooohhhmmmmm... Ooooohhhmmmmm..."

So there I was, trying to take work seriously, when I get this e-mailed memo labeled URGENT (that wasn't spam), from a bigwig at building facilities.

Please pass this on to all of your people

The burning of candles or incense in individual offices of The [Company QA Labs] is a Fire Code Violation. Facilities takes this very seriously. This is a Live Data Center and no matter where your office is, we are all in close proximity to a computer room. If you have candles or incense burners in your office, please remove them immediately.

I can't stop laughing. I IM'd the guy who sent the memo, and yes, it was because of a specific incident. BWAH!

Ooooohhhmmmmm... waaaataaaa tjerrrrr kiiaaaam... Ooooohhhmmmmm...

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