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08/25/2004 Entry: "Gencon - Day 5 (Sunday, Indianapolis)"

My back is almost fine now, but the blisters on my feet and the bad limp remain. I suppose they will go away soon as well.

All of us were real dead to the world. While yesterday we did have intermittent hot water for showers, this morning was cold again, with periods of lukewarm. Fuck you, Marriott Courtyard. I didn't go to breakfast, but drank some hotel coffee and had some of my peanut butter.

Kory felt bad I was trying to save money, and kept trying to give me some. he also paid for a few appetizers. When he wasn't looking, I snuck cash back into "Junior," the name of our cash register. Hah! I'll be no one's charity case! Haaaaaarrr!

I was supposed to open the table, but we had so many people there, I skipped out with Kory's permission. I got CR some tee-shirts, and gave my new friend Butch at Honeck Sculpture one of my books. Then I went back to the hotel room to pack up some, catch up on this blog, and rest.

I went back by 4pm to help pack up the table, load it on the vans, and then we have a big dinner to discuss how we did. Last I saw, we did okay... not great, but okay. Kory and I were supposed to have a meeting with two gamer groups, but that fell through because Kory was too tired.

The reasons to go to the con were mostly met. If I had to give a summary of the con, I'd say it wasn't my cup of tea, but I am still glad I came all the same. I am just not a real gamer anymore. Gencon is selling commemorative tee-shirts that say, "I'm a real gamer," and I didn't get one because... I felt that would be pretending to be something I am not. Like most other cons, the real benefits I have gotten were from meeting people. Kory wants me to come back, and I think I will because I love doing the panels, and I love being with MSD. I have met some strange, but really cool people, plus got to "reunite" with some friends I hadn't spoken to in a while.

I really regret not pushing my book. I got distracted, and didn't sell a single one. I could have. I could have sold out, because at the panels, not only were people eating up what we were telling them (some even vigorously taking notes), Kory said panels and demos account for more than half of his table sales at most cons. Next year, I am leading a panel on "Humor and Gaming: How to add spice to your player's funny bones." I'll mention my book a lot. A lot.

I took a lot of pictures. When I get time, I'm going to upload them here.

Since Chris R, Ludachris, and Tubbie had to leave early, I got to sleep in a real bed. Paul also got a bed, and I got to spend a lot of time with him and Scott in the room (I was in the room with Heather, Kory, and Jason the rest of the con). Paul is awesome. Scott is cool. What can I say?

I think 90% of the joy I have gotten at this con has been the company. This doesn't come as a surprise, but it's worth mentioning. Our next big con is I-Con in New York.

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