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06/17/2003 Entry: "Losing friends to ... anything"

I think I am losing a good friend today.

I don't have her permission to post anything yet, but her life is pretty terrible right now. In less than 24 hours, she lost her job, her husband, and a place to live. She lost her job to layoffs, came home, found her husband was in love with their roommate, so she can't stand to be there anymore. She's been staying at our house, looking like an atom bomb dropped on her. Today she got her things, and will probably be packing her stuff and moving in with some friends in Pennsylvania, then after getting her bearings, she's moving to California, like she's always planned, but never got around to.

Perhaps this is the best route she can take, but I am going to miss her a lot. I am greedy, I know, to want my friends to stay close to me, but I feel I lost my good friend Eden this way, along with other assorted friends who moved away and we never kept in touch like we planned. Logically, I know, if she's gonna go, now is the time. She's got nothing but her friends to keep her here. She's got no job, no husband, no cat (it ran away a few months ago), no conventions she works at anymore, no place to worry about rental contracts... a fully-paid car... it's a prime time. I know that. But she's been like a sister to me, and it's going to hurt.


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